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19. Odd one out

So, the training is going well.   The miles are ramping up, slowly but steadily.  Still with plenty of strength work, stretching and some speed sessions.  I'm doing something everyday.  The knee is holding up (although there's an annoying ache which seems to come and go unexpectedly, and not related to what the session before had in stock).  I've got some new friends to help guide me though: I look a right muppet carrying these poles around but they're light, sturdy and help take the load from my knees on hills and provide some forwards propulsion on the flat. When running 1030 miles I've got to be efficient with the load on my legs by spreading the forces around the rest of my body as much as I can.  The clip is for some gloves to hook into, by the way.   I can't decide if they remind me of Beaker or a rooster? .  See if you can spot the odd one out from the selfies below.  One's taken on an early run on Christmas Day, before the t...

About me

I work as a GP and in public health. I try and improve people's health, including my own.  

I started running in 2017 and have surprised myself how, little by little, I have exceeded my running goals. This is despite half a lifetime of avoiding stuff due to my perceived limitations because I have no colon. I have had an ileoanal pouch since a colectomy for ulcerative colitis in 1996. 

It's not something I talk about normally.

I'm not sure how I'll cope with this challenge, as apart from running the miles, finding the right foods, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and bowel frequency are some of the problems I have. Not good for running an ultra.  

I hope to inspire others to overcome their fears and perceived barriers to achieve their impossible, no matter how big or small.
