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19. Odd one out

So, the training is going well.   The miles are ramping up, slowly but steadily.  Still with plenty of strength work, stretching and some speed sessions.  I'm doing something everyday.  The knee is holding up (although there's an annoying ache which seems to come and go unexpectedly, and not related to what the session before had in stock).  I've got some new friends to help guide me though: I look a right muppet carrying these poles around but they're light, sturdy and help take the load from my knees on hills and provide some forwards propulsion on the flat. When running 1030 miles I've got to be efficient with the load on my legs by spreading the forces around the rest of my body as much as I can.  The clip is for some gloves to hook into, by the way.   I can't decide if they remind me of Beaker or a rooster? .  See if you can spot the odd one out from the selfies below.  One's taken on an early run on Christmas Day, before the t...

3. Ticking

My knee is improving.  Too much strain on my medial collateral ligament from doing some lunges with weights incorrectly,  twisting my knee inwards, the physio tells me.  Exercises; rest from running; and some cycling for aerobic training. 

My mind wanders as I cycle up How Hill, towering above Fountains Abbey. I'm in train with a buzzard again. Has it followed me from Shropshire? It's a sign!

I haven't even written, never mind started my LEJOG running specific training though yet. 4 weeks since I pressed GO.  I'm not doing very well am I?

The clock at the bottom of this page is counting down.  Tick. Tock.  15 months seems like an age but it will be over in a flash.  I have to use the time effectively to have any chance of succeeding.  

But Procrastination is my middle name.  I'm reminded of how I wrongly used to try and convince myself that the act of buying a revision book would give me the knowledge to pass an exam.  Me paying for and entering this challenge does not mean I will succeed.  

Time for a plan. 

So I tell myself that instead of stressing and focusing on the ticking time to my tri-nation tour, I need to focus on ticking off.  Ticking off some short term goals I just need to set myself which, if I manage to follow, will get me slowly but surely to the start line and beyond.  

There. That's made me feel better already. 

But my knee isn't better fully. I have 15 months to train, don't I? Maybe I'll put the plan together tomorrow?

Tick. Tock.

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