I'm really keen to get back to running. Building my core strength and doing what aerobic exercises I can do is OK. But I'm REALLY keen to get back to running.
The MRI shows a flap of torn meniscus curled over and irritating my medial collateral ligament. It feels like I'm trapping my knee fingers in my knee door hinge every time I do anything physical or get it into certain positions. My physio makes me feel better by saying how I've got remarkable movement considering what is going on in the scan. There were no fingers actually seen on the scan, to be clear. Nor doors.
I am so much better than I was but I still can't straighten my leg fully. Two weeks to go until 12 weeks from the tear and if not pain free and able to straighten, it's arthroscopy decision time at the knee clinic. The other option is a steroid injection but that delays arthroscopy for another 3 months. This is putting real pressure on my preperation for LEJOG. I may Bend but I will not Break. I Can't Stop Now.
I can't keep doing this static cycling forever either. It's literally a road to nowhere, looks ridiculous and is as boring as hell.
I'm actually finding that proper cycling is now easier on my knee - less recovery time from the flare each time I do something. Saddle lowered a little so I don't fully extend. And on a Day Like Today, with the Sunshine beaming, I'm going on a secluded gentle flat route by myself, Somewhere Only I Know. My physio is getting me to test out running too - so that the orthopods have a full picture, and I have my Eyes Open on what my knee can and can't do when it comes to that all important arthroscopy decision time.
Things are on the up though. It was good to be able to stand up for the whole concert to see a certain band celebrate 20 years of their first album recently - and also to know every song. This won't be the Last Time I go on about my knee I'm sure, but I'm really Keane to get at least 20 more years myself out of running, including a steady build up to next summer's LEJOG. Unless Everything Changes.
Those are MY Hopes and Fears.
I'm going to an open day at Claro Enterprises this week. A good reminder for me to keep focusing on the bigger picture instead of trying to be clever by childishly smuggling song titles into the text, deluding myself I'm any good at this blog writing lark. Although I am rather enjoying the distraction.
The next update on my knee will be crucial. The countdown clock keeps ticking.
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